Sunday, December 7, 2008

Free Clothes AND Early Spring Closet Cleaning!

Clothing Swaps ~ This ingenious online phenomenon is a great way to both search out a vast selection of used, vintage or cast-offs from others around the globe in exchange for the things you've been hoarding in your closet that you KNOW you'll never know what I'm talking about...those deals you couldn't pass up even though they're a size or two too small, a color that doesn't make you look your best because you're a "winter" not a "summer" or you simply need to clean and make room for the things you do wear and really don't need five black dresses. There are homes out there to house your unwanted clothing, home decor and accessory items and there are items out there ready for you to treasure...get going with one of the many suggestions by CurbsideBooty and Young & Broke!

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