No matter where you live the internet makes this world a much smaller and more accessible place. Video sharing sites like YouTube blast this reality loud and clear with hundreds of millions of videos viewed daily from all over the globe. You can now vicariously travel overseas, test out your new standup routine, share favorite news clips and even...take online dance classes! Whether you simply live for those dancin'-in-your-underwear-at-home moments or aspire to be a professional dancer, YouTube can give you instant access to top quality dance instruction sure to impress everyone from your teddy to club goers and professionals alike. One instructor from Ontario, Corey Vidal, has blown up big time with the help of YouTube providing FREE dance videos online as well as clips of his own creative choreography. His weekly instructional videos are recorded in his basement with a CD player and professional video camera and cover great pop and hip hop favorites such as Madonna, JT, Ciara and OneRepublic as requested by fans. All step-by-step instructions are detailed enough for beginners and include useful warm-up tips and tricks for dancers of all levels. The best perks of online classes are of course the flexibility to learn new moves on your own time but also to try more advanced stuff from the comfort of your home before jumpin' into a club to show off what you're made of.
You can find all of Corey's instructional videos and choreographed dance videos at: www.youtube.com/coreyvidal
With millions of instructional videos out there, please feel free to add a comment and recommend any other free online dance classes below...then go and get yer groove thang on.